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A fruitful collaboration on cancer treatment, nuclear research, and sustainable development.

The seabed marine litter pollution in the deep Mediterranean is among the worst in the world.

JRC scientists estimate current and future amounts of increasing amounts of diverse wastes, and explore ways to make them part of the circular economy.

In the EU, the share of women in national parliaments reached 33.4% in 2024. Globally, it is below 30%.
What we do
Our science and knowledge activities clustered into 33 portfolios that support the 7 Commission priorities for 2024-29.
JRC Publications Repository: Science-for-Policy reports, articles, technical reports and other scientific outputs.
Technology transfer, innovation and knowledge management. Access to our research infrastructures, scientific tools and trainings.
Worldwide partnerships, international collaborations and scientific networks. Find out about vacancies and opportunities to work with us.
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